0:00 - Prologue序曲(囹圄苦囚) 9:20 - Valjean's Soliloquy 尚萬強獨白 12:53 - At the End of the Day 長日將盡 17:30 - I Dreamed a Dream 我曾有夢 22:06 - Lively Ladies 妖嬈騷貨 25:07 - Fantine's Arrest 芳婷被捕 28:21 - The Runaway 失足馬車 30:00 - Who am I 我非我?! 32:51 - Fantine's Death 芳婷之死 36:57 - The Confrontation 正面衝突 39:30 - Castle on a Cloud 雲端城堡 42:57 - Master of the House 酒店主人 48:39 - The Bargain Waltz of Treachery 與狼共舞 51:54 - Look Down 天可憐見 54:41 - Starts 黑暗之星 58:17 - ABC cafe'e/ Red & Black ABC之友/紅黑之歌 1:04:21 - Do You Hear the People Sing? 民之所欲,可在你心? 1:06:16 - Rue Plumet in My Life 回顧來時路 1:09:44 - A Heart Full of Love 熱愛滔滔(一) 1:12:30 - The Attack on Rue Plumet 狙擊普魯梅 1:15:43 - One Day More 只待明天
0:00 - Entr'acte 中場間奏 0:28 - On My Own 形單影隻 5:03 - Builing the barricade 備戰時刻 7:33 - Javert's arrival 賈維現身 8:25 - Little people 市井匹夫 9:31 - A little fall of rain 絲絲情雨 13:29 - First attack 初征 18:26 - Drink with me 與我同飲 21:33 - Bring him home 帶他平安回來 25:25 - The final battle 決戰 30:25 - The sewers 屍橫溝渠 31:10 - Dog eats Dog 惡犬相殘 32:53 - Javert's suicide 賈維自裁 38:10 - Turining 韶光流逝 39:41 - Empty chairs at empty tables 望空興嘆 43:16 - Every day 暮暮朝朝 44:00 - A heart full of love-reprise 熱愛滔滔(二) 45:41 - The wedding chorale 結婚進行曲 46:18 - Beggars at the feast 丐幫與婚禮 48:12 - Epilogue (Finale) 曲終人散